If you can support, please do.  Thank you very much!

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GenX Jason and the Duke of Soda Bread are just two little radio DJ guys with lives and families, and keeping GenX Oozes afloat requires money.

For as little as $3.33 per month, you can make a difference in the lives of GenX Oozers in at least 3 countries and sometimes Ireland.

Live365 requires a large but reasonable monthly fee for us to utilize their service.  And as GenX Oozes grows in size, we will need to upgrade our subscription.

Plus, with more finances, we are better able to spread the word about GenX Oozes through advertising.

So, as with just about everything these days, the more financial resources that we have, the more yachts we can buy. 
We will put every penny to good use.  
From the bottom of our oozy hearts, thank you.