What's in the Ooze?

Mostly peaceful anarchy.
Inner peace.
Sheena Easton. (and friends)

Like a rainbow in the dark,
GenX Oozes is drugs for your ears.

GenX Jason and the Duke of Soda Bread got their starts on terrestrial radio in the 1990s and 1980s respectfully.  They played the game and watched as it became more and more corporate and lost more and more of that old Wolfman Jack-ish soul.

Thanks to the internet and Live365.com, we no longer need high-powered towers and big corporate money to own a radio station.  We have gleefully received this blessing and are using it to blast out our own style of radio to the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and sometimes Ireland.

Hop aboard the GenX Oozes spaceship as we travel back in time to discover all of the unsaturated favorites from back-in-the-day, discover forgotten and lost treasures, and then stick around for lots of new post-GenX surprises from GXJason, the Duke, and our two other prized oozical contributors, Britt and Damon.

WARNING!  GenX Oozes is rated PG-45.
Some material may be inappropriate for children under 45.
Parents are urged to be cautious.
Some material may be inappropriate for non-GenXers.

Meet the Staff

Damon was not available for the company picnic, but maybe we can get him in the photo for next year.